Top Myopia Treatments in San Leandro: Options for Children and Adults

Myopia is a common vision condition that affects both children and adults. It causes distant objects to appear blurry while near objects remain clear. With the increasing use of digital devices and prolonged near work, myopia rates are rising, making early detection and management crucial. At Flores Optometry, Inc., we offer several advanced myopia treatments to slow progression and maintain clear vision.


Common Symptoms of Myopia

Myopia typically develops in childhood and can progress over time. The most common symptom is difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, such as road signs, whiteboards, or television screens, while near vision remains sharp. Other symptoms include squinting, eye strain, frequent headaches, and difficulty seeing clearly at night. Children with myopia may also experience excessive blinking, rubbing of the eyes, or holding books and digital screens too close. If left uncorrected, myopia can interfere with daily activities, including learning and sports performance.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams play a vital role in detecting and managing myopia early. Children, in particular, should have routine eye checkups to monitor changes in their vision and identify any signs of myopia progression. Early intervention helps reduce the risk of high myopia, which can lead to serious eye conditions such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and macular degeneration later in life.

Top Myopia Treatments in San Leandro

At Flores Optometry Inc., we offer several proven myopia control treatments tailored to the needs of children and adults:

1. MiSight Contact Lenses

MiSight is a soft contact lens designed specifically for myopia management in children. These daily disposable lenses not only provide clear vision but also slow the progression of myopia. Clinical studies have shown that MiSight lenses can significantly reduce the rate of myopia progression when used consistently.

2. Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops are a well-researched option for myopia control. They are typically applied once a day before bedtime and work by dilating the pupil and relaxing the eye’s focusing mechanism. This treatment has been shown to slow the progression of myopia effectively, making it a great option for children with rapidly worsening vision.

3. Ortho-K (Orthokeratology)

Ortho-K involves wearing specially designed rigid contact lenses overnight. These lenses gently reshape the cornea while you sleep, providing clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. Ortho-K is an excellent choice for children and adults who want a non-surgical way to manage myopia and enjoy clear vision during waking hours.

Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Exam Today

If you or your child has myopia, early intervention is key to preventing worsening vision and potential complications. At Flores Optometry Inc., we offer personalized myopia management solutions to help you maintain clear vision and protect long-term eye health. 

Schedule an eye exam with Flores Optometry, Inc. to discuss the best myopia treatment option for you or your child. Visit our office in San Leandro, California, or call (510) 372-2900 to book an appointment today.

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